Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Malton YD 1
Away Team: David Lloyd 1
Date:01 Dec 2017
Time:07:00 pm
Verified:03 Dec 2017 by

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-1Jamie Hopwood1-1Alistair England23 
1-4Andy Phillips1-2Paul Fotherby30 
2-3Rob Taylor1-3Paul Adams03 
2-5Will Unway1-4James Rollinson03 

Report:Game started at 6:20 as per visitors No.1 request. No problem for us. We requested visitors No.2 to be on time (19:00 official start time) as home player had to leave in good time. This was confirmed. Visitors No. 2 & 4 strolled in at 20:00 1 hour after the official start time. Home players left standing around waiting for 45 mins. Home team official No. 2 had already left by this time. Not the first time this has happened.
Author:Joe Woodhead

Away Report
Away Report:The writer of this result did not attend this fixture, the official start time was 19:00. The no1s had agreed to lay early and I received a call the day before asking for our no2 to arrive before 19:00. We had 2 players at the fixture at 18:30 and a further player at 19:30. After a phone all from
Our 2 explaing there had been accident on the m1 and it would nearer 19:30 before he could get there, the Malton no2 chose to forfeit his match and play Yorkshire league instead. Malton then arranged for someone to play our no4 and the rest of the team later played up. The match score should read Malton 5 DL 14!

Administrator Notes
Notes:Complaints from both sides have been received regarding the official start time.

A replay is favoured by neither team and so the match deemed void and with eight points to each side.