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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Wakefield 1
Away Team: Wakefield 2
Date:05 Nov 2015
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:07 Nov 2015 by

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-3Giles Cook2-3Eddie McGuire3011/7 11/4 11/6
1-4Andy Wood2-4Ben Thornton3011/9 11/8 11/6
1-5Tony Kaye2-5Graham Hawcroft3111/9 16/14 6/11 11/7
1-6Paul Cockerham2-6Danny Hall134/11 6/11 11/7 6/11
2-2Spiros Papaglimis2-8Sam Mawson3111/4 9/11 15/13 11/4

Report:Fireworks on Bonfire Night!
It may have been cold and damp outside but Wakefield Club was toasty warm and had a friendly feel too it as the 1st team played host to the 2nd team.

El Capitano making a rare appearance on first as steady Eddy needed to make a quick exit. Eddy showed glimpses of his old form as his slight of hand sent ball after ball from the back of the court straight into the front nick. However this did not last for long and the 1st team went 3-0 up and Eddy disappeared into the Smokey lit up night.

Spiros (borrowed from the 2nd team) went on against fireman Sam. Pacey game as always with these two on court and although Sam was not 100% well he took the close 2nd game to level at 1-1. However Spiros (that is his real name no nickname required) showed his strength to finish the game off.

PC on third and the late start did not go well as he was quickly down by 2. Desperate Dan true to form had a blip and Paul looked back in it. Dan was desperate for a win so switched back on in the fourth to close out the win.

Del Boy took some time away from chasing Spondulicks* to crash the ball around the court for 30min while Ben 10 tried to play some cultured squash. Force won in the end.

Mr T a Cyclopean of a man was up against someone of similar build (déjà vous). This produced the most entertaining game of the evening and not for the first time. Maybe because Graham is bigger and stronger than me he has no nickname but suggestions are welcome for me to add later?**

Chinese Surprise after washed down with some cider and old squash banter (Some of those stories have been aired too many times!)

* will add extra gag on whatsapp later!
** Dan should not have a nickname either if bigger and stronger are factors.
Author:Giles Cook

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes