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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Wakefield 1
Away Team: Phoenix 1
Date:14 Jan 2016
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-2Giles Cook1-1Billy Hawes3211/6 7/11 4/11 11/6 13/11
1-3Richard Briggs1-2Jason Chidwick2311/2 9/11 11/9 7/11 8/11
1-4Andy Wood1-3Andrew Tressler326/11 8/11 11/5 11/8 11/7
1-5Tony Kaye1-4Chris Philpott1311/8 11/13 5/11 8/11
1-6Paul Cockerham1-5Ian Chester1312/10 12/14 6/11 5/11

The start of greatness and promotion on the horizon or is it just a snow blizzard!

Back from skiing with no major injuries however the festive period seems to be showing on me and Del Boy.

PC as ever the first on, first to go, misses washing the dishes. Looked fit and healthy (looks can be deceptive)* He took the close first game but lost the close second but still looked like he was going to win however Chester had different ideas and changed rackets which had a drastic change to his game meaning all his volleys now seemed to find the nick. Cruised to a 1-3 win.

Mr T back from injury a reduced spheroid* of a man was up against someone of different statue (déjà vu). Again took a close first but then thought it was a good idea not to play the ball passed the serves box which suited Chris’s hard hitting approach perfectly running out another 1-3 win.

2 down and just the big hitters left!

Del Boy aka ‘Scooby-Doo’ an expanded spheroid of a man* looked like a beginner as Andy ripped into him and took a comfortable 2-0 lead. However Del Boy is not a man who lies down and gives up easy fighting back to take the match 3-2 and keep Wakefield’s chances alive.

Bob aka ‘Scrabby-Doo’ also looked fighting fit* and laid his marker down early with a 11-2 first game win. However like Mr T and PC the longer the game went on the worse it got finally going down 2-3.

El Capitano on last, nothing to play for but pride. The skiing came in handy as I had to swerve round the slalom poles (Billy’s legs) sometimes crashing into them because of the better quicker line. Billy won on the collision score but I did get the better of him once. A close game as always and the game had to finish on two clear points like it always does. 3-2 win but overall down 10-18.

The food went down well as always PC missed doing the dishes and the special ingredient for the chilli sauce will remain a Cook secret.

*looks can be deceptive – PC, Mr T, Bob all looked fit and health (Lost)
Del Boy & El Capitano looked like s*** (Won)

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes