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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Wakefield 1
Away Team: Dunnington 2
Date:21 Sep 2016
Time:07:30 pm
Verified:23 Sep 2016 by Steve Toas

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-2Eddie McGuire2-1Matthew Stephenson038/11 6/11 5/11
1-3Giles Cook2-2Nathan Hill329/11 9/11 13/11 12/10 11/7
1-4Richard Briggs2-3Alistair England2314/12 5/11 11/7 8/11 8/11
1-5Andy Wood2-6Joseph Twigge134/11 9/11 13/11 9/11
1-6Tony Kaye2-7Jonathan Everitt035/11 9/11 5/11

Report:1st Division debut for Wakefield 1!

New slim fitting t-shirts on display. Comment from the gallery “looks like the home team will enjoy the pie and chips more than the away team.”

New division may have to explain some of the running gags but only once!

On first Andy Wood aka Del Boy
Been plagued all summer with a bad elbow* so short of court time which showed after the warm up when his face turned red and had to change tops. However young Joe did not have it easy and the last 3 games could have gone to Del but the score sheet read 1-3 loss.

Giles Cook aka El Capitano
Feeling good and recharged after a relaxing summer needed all my energy. Losing the first two games and doing most of the running as Nathan controlled the games with ease. Then in the next two finding myself 7-10 down in both some how managed to win and close out the fifth. I would love to say it was superior skill and fitness but most of the accolade has to go to my racket frame which saved me more than once!
3-2 all even.

Tony Kaye aka Mr T
A Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean, Leviathan, Skookum, Bummed, Spheroid of a man (déjà vu) looked as young as he did the first time he held a racket (some 60 years ago) and in the first game he also played like it was the first time he has held a racket. He did come back in the second and showed some old magic was still there but the young legs of Jonny held out.
Behind again 0-3.

Richard Briggs aka Bob
Started off were he finished last season playing some quality squash however today he was against a different class of opponent every ball was retrieved and he did not look like tiring. Good effort by Bob I thought he had it to level the scores but we were now defeated.

Eddy McGuire aka The Artist (I think this may be copyrighted so could change next week)
Went on to limit the loss however he has not had enough court time either and against first division quality (I bet Matt and quality have not appeared too often in a squash report!) he could not improve on our 6 points.

Pie and chips demolished by the home team and the away team picked the protein out and left the crust and chips.

*Lots of rumours about Del Boys injury some say it was a combination of these things – Weights, Angling, Netball, Knitting, Indoor squash 57, Night fishing, Getting takeaways. My theory is just the first letters!!?

This report has been sponsored by Beaujolais-Villages 2014

Away Report
Away Report:Nice essay!
Author:Steve Toas

Administrator Notes