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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Wakefield 1
Away Team: Wigginton 1
Date:05 Oct 2016
Time:07:30 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-3Giles Cook1-5Mackenzie Nicol3111/6 7/11 11/4 11/8
1-4Richard Briggs1-6Tom Boyle2311/5 8/11 8/11 11/9 4/11
1-5Andy Wood1-7Ben Collard133/11 12/10 5/11 5/11
1-6Tony Kaye1-8Harry Clapham2315/13 9/11 8/11 11/8 8/11
2-2Spiros Papaglimis1-11Angus Clapham138/11 4/11 11/6 10/12

Report:On first Del Boy
Apologies to players showering after training they missed this game! However he did play well for one game and finished the same as last week 1-3 down and nursing his pride and Strongbow!

After his Cheshire Closed Final at the weekend he was making his first game for the team. However the result went the same way as the final and he also went down 1-3 but slightly longer on court!

0-2 down and up against it but this situation is ideal for the next 2 up. Old timers Mr T and Bob!

Bob v Tom ‘Two shower heads’ Boyle
This was a seesaw game with Bob taking the first then 2SH coming back strong to take the lead only for Bob to level 2-2…..

On the next court

Mr T v Harry ‘Speedy’ Clapham
What Mr T lacks in speed he makes up for in racket wizardry and this week he came up against someone who despises strings more than he does choosing to use the frame whenever possible. Score seesaw the same level 2-2…..

I had full confidence in both players so started my warm up*

So was shocked when I returned to find we had lost again and it was down to me to salvage something.

El Capitano v Mackenzie ‘E-Pipe’ Nichol
I was told to never blow your own trumpet so have just deleted the next half a page description of the game. Glad to get one back on him after our last meeting.

Pie and chips a winner again nothing left by either team. Speedy demonstrated he may be last on court but could improve his pint downing speed!

*Finding racket and tying shoe laces (double knot!)

This report has been sponsored by Sainsbury’s Shiraz (downgraded because I drink to much writing this cr*p)

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes